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How to be Lovely:

I’ll be the first to admit I adore when people mind their manners, especially women - I just think that when you mind your manners you find perfect ways to be lovely.


Of all the amazing ways to be lovely, being happy is the easiest. If you keep your interest and passion first, then it will undoubtedly be easy for you to stay happy. Also being happy is key to being healthy. Audrey Helpburn once said, "I believe happy girls are the prettiest." I agree!

Being successful is another one of the incredible ways to be lovely. Many times people measure their success by the amount of material possessions they have. However material things don’t always mean that you’re super successful; remember that other things in life such as a happy family and personal health are also considered parts of success.

Another one of my favorite ways to be lovely is by being beautiful. Appreciate what you have and work from the inside out. People say that beauty is only skin deep, however, I believe that beauty illuminates from the inside out. Be happy, be healthy, be beautiful!

I’m sure many of us have heard the whole "you’re spoiled" or the "you’re high maintenance" lines at one point or another. However getting what you deserve is one of the best ways to be lovely. Sometimes people misconstrue having standards for being too picky. Just remember don’t settle for anything less than the best. If someone ever says, "you’re being compared to the best" remind them that you’re the greatest and keep it moving.

When I was growing up I heard that saying ‘blood is thicker than water’ numerous times, and then I realized that it really is true. Not only this but caring for family is another one of the awesome ways to be lovey. Most cultures value the fact women cater to the needs of everyone and honestly, it’s something that you should take pride in because we are truly the glue that holds everything together at times.

Among the easy ways to be lovely is making connections. Make long lasting friendships with people. The friends who are always there make everything much easier. Not only this, but these connections can last for lifetimes and also come with perks like GNO!

Ways to be lovely also includes being personally fulfilled. That means to accept what you’ve accomplished in life! It runs hand and hand with success. You can’t have one without the other. Go ahead, get comfortable with yourself.

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