Did you know,

That surgical masks provide effective protection against diseases spread by respiratory droplets (examples pictured), but not those spread by airborne transmission?
that the design of the Japanese–Italian fusion restaurant Kissa Tanto was inspired by Hotel Okura Tokyo, Italian architect Gio Ponti, and covers designed by John Gall for Haruki Murakami's novels?
that the 1988 Women's Cricket World Cup Final, held at the 90,000-capacity Melbourne Cricket Ground, had an attendance of 3,326?
that the Valley of the Volcanoes in Peru, with its many lava flows and scoria cones, is of interest both to tourists and scientists?
that Awkwafina is the first woman of Asian descent to win a Golden Globe Award for best actress in a film?
that the secret police of several German-speaking nations exchanged intelligence with each other through the Police Union of German States from 1848 to 1866?
that Earl Dodge held a presidential nominating convention in his home with as few as eight delegates in attendance?