Did you know ...
that infectious disease specialist Daniel R. Lucey has hypothesised that the SARS-CoV-2 virus (pictured) that caused the 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak may have been quietly circulating among humans since at least November 2019?
that President Idi Amin ensured the Uganda Army's loyalty with the so-called "whisky run"?
that the British security services described Lisa von Pott as the organiser of a pro-Nazi espionage group in wartime Vienna?
that the Strokes revealed the release date for their sixth album The New Abnormal while performing at a rally for U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders?
that three Roman Catholic bishops of Hong Kong have been elevated to the College of Cardinals, even though the diocese is nominally only a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Guangzhou?
that baritone Michael Volle has appeared as Wagner's Hans Sachs at the Bayreuth Festival and was awarded Der Faust for portraying Wozzeck?
that 110 North Wacker in Chicago replaced a building that was eligible for the National Register of Historic Places?
that dillegrout was so delicious that it earned the cook a manor, but to keep it he and his descendants had to serve the dish at every future English coronation?

that President Idi Amin ensured the Uganda Army's loyalty with the so-called "whisky run"?
that the British security services described Lisa von Pott as the organiser of a pro-Nazi espionage group in wartime Vienna?
that the Strokes revealed the release date for their sixth album The New Abnormal while performing at a rally for U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders?
that three Roman Catholic bishops of Hong Kong have been elevated to the College of Cardinals, even though the diocese is nominally only a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Guangzhou?
that baritone Michael Volle has appeared as Wagner's Hans Sachs at the Bayreuth Festival and was awarded Der Faust for portraying Wozzeck?
that 110 North Wacker in Chicago replaced a building that was eligible for the National Register of Historic Places?
that dillegrout was so delicious that it earned the cook a manor, but to keep it he and his descendants had to serve the dish at every future English coronation?