Ecological public health: paradigm of One Healthand One World concept
Human health needs to go beyond just concern forbiomedical-focused disease model; the impacts of our well-beings are vitally dependent upon improving the managementof the healthy earth’s ecosystems, humans and animals’health, and they are undeniably intimately connected and ev-identially supported reciprocally from those ecological per-spectives. As the proverb by Rudolph Virchow (1821–1902)says thatBBetween animal and human medicine there is nodividing line–nor should there be^. In 2008, FAO, WorldOrganisation for Animal Health (OIE), WHO, United NationsChildren’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, and UN SystemInfluenza Coordination (FAO et al.2008 ) have developed astrategy to address emerging infectious diseases that specifi-cally focused on the interdependence of human, animal andecosystem health, with strategic framework of breaking downthe barriers among agencies, individuals, specialties andsectors in order to unleash the innovation and expertiseneeded to meet the many serious challenges to the health ofpeople, domestic animals and wildlife as well as to theintegrity of ecosystems. Rayner and Lang
Integrating human, animal and ecosystem health disciplineswill better address today’s dynamic health threats that are beingimposed by the ecological determinants resulting from the inter-action of agent and host in the epidemiological or ecologicaltransitional triad through the disease triangle in a web of interre-lationships. In this regard, a broader understanding of health anddisease requires interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral efforts work-ing collaboratively to attain optimal health for people, animalsand our environments for ensuring the biological and biophysicalintegrity of our planet earth. Consequently, the recognitions ofthese relationships amongst humans, domestic animals, wildlife,ecosystem services and climate, as in theBOne health concept^underBecosphere and zoosphere^of this one world system, aretherefore being formulated. A better understanding of the linksbetween biodiversity, health and disease has direct and indirectimplications for public health, as loss of biodiversity, habitatfragmentation and the loss of natural environments threaten thefull range of life-supporting services provided by ecosystems atall levels of biodiversity, including species, genetic and ecosys-tem diversity (Romanelli et al.2014). The diversity of relevantcriteria defined around the public health interventions will beplaced on in using One Health approach with this One Worldconcept; FAO/OIE/WHO (2012) built the One Health vision insupport of the collaborative multidisciplinary work for the healthof humans, animals and ecosystems, in order to reduce the risk ofdiseases at the interfaces between them. Its critical vision facili-tate the diffusion and understandings towards collaborative inter-vention keys with broad vision to encompass other disciplinesthat also impact human health from different sectors such aseconomics, food security and food safety
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nature, norms, and human biology. Ashgate Publishing Limited,England(2012)Barrett B, Charles JW, Temte JL (2015) Climate change, human healthand epidemiological transition. Prev Med 70:69–75. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.11.013Bean AGD, Baker ML, Stewart CR, Cowled C, Deffrasnes C, Wang LF,Lowenthal JW (2013) From studying immunity to zoonotic diseasesin the natural host—keeping it real. Nat Rev Immunol 13:851–861.doi:10.1038/nri3551, B, Brown R (2011) One World One Health. Vet Bull Agric FishConserv Dep Newsletter 1(7):1–12, Available at:, P. and DeGaetano, A. (2011). Chapter 4: consequences of climatechange on human health. In Finkel, M.L. (Ed.) (2011) Public healthin the 21st century: global issues in public health. USA: ABC-CLIO,LLCBurlingame, B., Dernini, S., Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division.and FAO. (Editors). (2010). Sustainable diets and biodiversity: di-rections and solutions for policy, research and action. TheProceedings of the International Scientific symposium onBiodiversity and SustainableDiets United Against Hunger.November 2010, Rome: FAO Headquarters. Available Nurses Association (2005). The ecosystem, the natural envi-ronment, and health and nursing: a summary of the issues. pp1-8
nature, norms, and human biology. Ashgate Publishing Limited,England(2012)Barrett B, Charles JW, Temte JL (2015) Climate change, human healthand epidemiological transition. Prev Med 70:69–75. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.11.013Bean AGD, Baker ML, Stewart CR, Cowled C, Deffrasnes C, Wang LF,Lowenthal JW (2013) From studying immunity to zoonotic diseasesin the natural host—keeping it real. Nat Rev Immunol 13:851–861.doi:10.1038/nri3551, B, Brown R (2011) One World One Health. Vet Bull Agric FishConserv Dep Newsletter 1(7):1–12, Available at:, P. and DeGaetano, A. (2011). Chapter 4: consequences of climatechange on human health. In Finkel, M.L. (Ed.) (2011) Public healthin the 21st century: global issues in public health. USA: ABC-CLIO,LLCBurlingame, B., Dernini, S., Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division.and FAO. (Editors). (2010). Sustainable diets and biodiversity: di-rections and solutions for policy, research and action. TheProceedings of the International Scientific symposium onBiodiversity and SustainableDiets United Against Hunger.November 2010, Rome: FAO Headquarters. Available Nurses Association (2005). The ecosystem, the natural envi-ronment, and health and nursing: a summary of the issues. pp1-8
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